Dr. Namrata Vira

Owner & Practice Principal Dentist

Dr.Namrata graduated in 2003 from Mumbai and cleared UK stat exams in 2010. She has worked in Southampton for the last 10 years and joined Dental Care Centre in 2019.

Namrata has a special interest in Facial Aesthetics and has gained Certificate from Royal College of Surgeons, London. She is a certified provider of Invisalign. Trained with some great Aesthetic dentists in the U.K. Namrata loves creating beautiful smiles for her patients by straightening teeth, composite bonding and Veneers.

Namrata particularly loves treating nervous patients and witness the sense of relaxation on their face and finds this very rewarding.
Apart from dentistry, Namrata enjoys painting and loves cooking. Her 7 year old daughter, Mishka keeps her busy at home.